Saturday, May 31, 2014

Week 5

I am so excited about these upcoming weeks and my $100 challenge.  One thing I have been concerned about in the past is my lack of knowing a lot of people around this city.  I feel like I am still really new and don't know a whole ton of people yet.  Then I got to thinking about my calling in the church.  I am a primary teacher.  I know that if I continue to put myself out there this calling can and will help me get in touch with more of the younger ladies.  We also have a relief society activity coming up and I am excited to get to know more people and share with them what it is I am doing.  This is the first time that I have really been excited about it because I can finally see me reaching my goal.  I am still in the starting stages and moving kind of slowly but I am also determined to organize myself much better and more this next week.  I have a goal to really push myself this semester Because I want to graduate!  I know that I am helping my little family the further I go in school and the more knowledge that I have.  I also know that it will be easier to finish now compared to when I start having kids.  I just have to keep looking at the light at the end of the tunnel.  I know I can do this and I have a lot of support so that really helps me!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Week 4

I love learning about budgets.  A budget is something that has really helped me throughout my life, especially when I am in school.  Because of the track system I have really only been able to work in the winter which has been hard.  I didn't bring in much money so I was always on a tight budget.  I thank my parents for teaching me so well and kind of setting me on my own (money wise).  My dad had told me that he did not want me getting a loan but to figure out how to make money and work hard.  Because of this I was able to go out and really work hard!  I have used a budget and love using a budget.  It helps me so much and helps me to save and have money for fun things.

I am still excited about this $100 project.  I do not think it will come super easy and it will be something I will have to work at.  Since I don't know many people yet here, that is going to be my hardest part.  Getting the word out will be tough.  I know that my family will help me in anyway they can.  One thing that I love about the church is that there are always people around who are in need.  They will be able to help spread the word around.  I just have to really put myself out in the ward and not be fearful of what people think of me. 

On a side note.... I GOT A SEWING MACHINE recently!!  I am so happy and will not have to borrow one from a friend anymore.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Journal 3

I am finally getting the hang of all of my classes and how to manage my time the best.  I know this is important, not only because I need to get all my school work done so that I can graduate and working on an internship but because I need to have family time.  Since I got married a few months ago I know it is so important to spend some good time with my husband whenever we get the chance.  He works all day then goes to school too so that leaves me and I am able to focus on homework then focus on family.  It is important to me that I prioritize correctly.

Getting on to this week, I worked on my $100 project.  I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to do for it.  I am working towards a goal to help out someone else and because of that I am going to do my best.  I think what I have chosen will help others and it will also help me meet friends here.  Since I still feel like am new in this town I don't have a ton of friends and I am one who needs friends.  I am excited to really start this project and kick it off.  I think I will be able to succeed at it.  I have chosen to make and sell baby products.

I wrote about Paul Robshaw for our action hero and I would like to remember what I wrote so i am adding it to my blog today: What really are my core values?  I thought a lot about this question as I was watching the video about Paul Robshaw.  He has learned some great lessons and his father taught him well.  I will always look up to my father for teaching me certain things in life.  My father is a great man I and I hope I can be just like him someday.  During the 2007 recession we went through a very hard time and ended up losing our house.  My dad is a general contractor and that was just not a good time for the housing companies.  I can't imagine going bankrupt and getting a divorce all in the same day.  Paul is amazing for making it through that.  But what happened after that was the best.  He really looked at life in a different perspective.  From there he was able to continue on with life and keep going even through all the heartache.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Things are going great in life.  My internship was okay this week.  It was a little bit boring but I am excited to hopefully jump into it more soon.  I can't wait for that to happen because I am so ready to learn more about marketing and get into it. I loved learning about Tom this week and what he has done in his life.  I hope that this internship can help me gain experience so that I can do great things too someday.

This week, for the $100 challenge, I was able to brainstorm ideas.  I really loved brainstorming ideas and coming up with things that I think I am capable of doing myself.  I am always happy when I get feedback on things from my classmates so that was helpful.  I was able to make a list of 5 top things that I would like to do.  I am still thinking about it and getting more input from outside sources (from family and friends.)

Tomorrow is Mothers Day and I get to talk to my sister, Hayley, who is on a mission in Colorado.  She will be home in less than 4 months!  It is crazy to think about that.  I am so thankful to my mother and all that she has done for me. I know without her I would not be able to be where I am in life.  I love her!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Lesson 1

I started off the $100 entrepreneur challenge last week and read up on some things about it this week.  So far I have studied up on  I found this site to be interesting and I think it is great what they are doing for people.  I love that they are set up to help people less fortunate.  We can donate money to a good cause through them and even better, we get to pick exactly who the money goes to. 

I chose to support Mervete.  She is from is from the Ashkali minority community.  The reason that I chose her is because my father and grandfather have always worked in construction. They are general contractors and own their own businesses.  Because of this I have always loved construction and the different parts of it.  I chose to loan money to Mervete because her husband is in the construction business.  He builds and repairs homes and walls just like my family does.  She is wanting to help her husband because he is the one providing for them and I would like to be able to help him however I can.  I think it is great that she is helping him out.  She is a stay at home mom and that is what I want to be.

I am very excited about this semester.  It is a little overwhelming to me as I am taking 7 credits online and doing an internship.  My internship will be great and I will learn a lot.  It will be a new experience but hopefully I can get through it all just fine.  I am trying to prioritize my time the best way that I can.  I got married a few months ago so I am still adjusting to that as well.  Balancing everything should be interesting(especially when summer hits), but I know I can do it.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I know I will make it in July!